Eric Rhodes: No Longer Fearing Failure

I started with the New You Challenge in January 2017 and was hooked from the start! My goal was to complete the 6 weeks and hopefully see more toned muscles and less flab.  And I did!

My first class with the “big kids” after New You was a real eye-opener.  While New You helped introduce skills and get me started on my fitness journey, the CrossFit programing was significantly more intense and arduous. In other words, I almost puked! Since, I learned how to pace myself, scale, and ask the coaches for instruction to help me complete the WODs (without puking).

I LOVE the supportive, encouraging, and challenging community and culture of fitness at Arsenal Strength.  Regardless of where you are at on your fitness journey, CrossFit provides a program that helps you develop strength and mobility in a safe, positive environment.

I have learned that a short, gay, 40-something year old like me can do more, lift more, and move so much more than I ever thought possible. Growing up in the closet and dreading any kind of sports, I never thought I would like lifting weights or working out in a group class setting.  I have learned that I have the ability to complete a WOD with the ‘big kids’ and not fear failure or embarrassment. For that, I thank Arsenal Strength!