Monday, November 13th

Monday, November 13th

Strength: Take 6-8 sets and work up to a 2RM Front Box Squat. For those of you that have a current 1RM Front Box Squat try to match that weight. This will differ by 10-20% from your front squat max because the phases of the lift are broken up.
Metcon: Each AMRAP is intended to be a maximal effort hence the reason the reps and time domain are low. It’s likely you will not be able to repeat your effort for all 3 AMRAPs and this is okay, but we want 100% the first metcon and 80-85% effor the last two.

Front Box Squat for load: 2RM
Rest 2:00
Use a 13-15″ Box

3 Squat Cleans (135, 95)
6 Lateral Burpees

Rest 2:00

3 Power Cleans (135, 95)
6 Lateral Burpees

Rest 2:00

3 Power Cleans
3 Squat Cleans
6 Lateral Burpees

L3: (115, 75)
L2: (95, 65)
L1: (75, 55) (Regular Burpees)