Tuesday, October 3rd

Metcon: This workout is designed to ensure athletes have close to full-recovery between efforts. These runs are done at a fast pace but not an all out sprint. Barbell movements should be light to moderate and capable of being done UB. C2B Pull-ups do NOT need to be done UB but at least sets of 5/5. No singles unless it’s on the last round. There should be at least 2:00 of rest each set.
Finisher: This is done post-metcon and should be completed as recovery.

Every 5:00 x 5 Sets:
200m Run
10 C2B Pull-ups
10 Hang Power Cleans (135, 95)
10 S20H (135, 95)

L3: (Regular Pull-ups) (115, 75)
L2: (Band Assisted Pull-ups) (95, 65)
L1: (Ring Rows) (35, 25 Russian Swing for HPC) (65, 35)

8:00 AMRAP of:
1a) DB Reverse + Forward Lunges x 5 (1 + 1 = 1).
1b) 1-Arm DB Rows w. rotation x 10-12 ea.
– Neutral grip to pronated grip
1c) Side Plank Crunch x 10-15 ea.