Wednesday, December 27th

Wednesday, December 27nd

Strength: Spend some time working on Handstands today either with HSPU or getting comfortable kicking up and performing a hold. We are accumulating volume today with wide-grip pull-ups. Wide-grip develops lats/rhomboids. You can accumulate this volume however you see fit. One option would be to perform 3 x 4-5 at bodyweight and then 3 x 3-4 adding weight.

1) Handstand Push-ups: Accumulate Volume. Rest 2:00 between sets.
– There is no set reps/sets, but sets should be challenging, so reps should be between 2-5 per set.
– Adv: 30-40 Reps Strict
– Int: 20-30 Reps Kipping
– Beg: Handstand Hold x 10-20s or 20 Shoulder Taps
– Newbie: 5 x 5-6 Neutral Grip Seated DB Shoulder Press.
2) Wide Grip Pull-ups: Accumulate 25 Reps. Rest 60s.
– There is no set reps/sets, but sets should be challenging, so reps should be between 2-5 per set.
– Add weight each set
– Bodyweight
– Partner Assisted
3a) 1-Arm KB Rows: 3 x 10 each. Rest 60s.
3b) Roll Back Tricep Extensions: 3 x 12-15. Rest 60s.

10 BB Curls
20s of Wheels on the Bus
10 Russian Twists