Wednesday, May 17
Upper Body EMOM today! All sets should be mangeable. Scale as needed. Pull-ups are pronated grip and can be band-assisted, bodyweight or weighted today. Close grip push-ups should be just inside the shoulder to emphasize tricep lockout. Russian Twists the place should touch the ground on both sides.

EMOM 15:
Minute 1: 3-5 Strict Pull-ups
Minute 2: 5-8 Close Grip Push-ups
Minute 3: 20 Russian Twists

5 Rounds of:
12 Lateral Burpees over the Bar
12 Push Press (115, 75)
Rest 90s.

Rx+:(15 Reps each movement) (135, 95)
L3:(95, 65)
L2: (Burpees) (75, 55)
L1: (10 Reps per movement) (65, 35)

Extra Credit
Banded Pushdowns x 100-150 Reps.