Friday, May 20

Today we are dissecting the Deadlift to work on position. Often times people’s sticking point is between the moment when they pick the bar off the ground and getting it past the knee. We are going to work this middle piece to help with awareness and strength. If you have ever tried doing these with some load, it can be quite the challenge to pause mid-lift and still keep a really good position.

Part 1: The goal is to perform all 5 sets at a moderate – heavy load. Focus on positions and looking good rather than going heavy. Make the eccentric (lowering) piece slower than usual and pause on the ground for 1 sec before going into the next rep.

Part 2: Use these three sets to go heavy! You don’t need to pause at the bottom for these, You can touch and go and revert back to a regular speed on the down phase. This doesn’t mean you can be sloppy, but you don’t need to be as strict.


Part 1:
5 Sets
2 Above the Knee Deadlifts
2 Deadlifts

Part 2:
Deadlift 5-3-1


Part 1:
5 Sets
2 Above the Knee Deadlifts
2 Deadlifts

Part 2:
Deadlift 5-5-5