Thursday, December 15

30sec – 60sec – 90sec – 120sec
Pushup with Deficit
Plank Hold
Broad Jump
Wall Squat Hold (Back against Wall)

30sec – 60sec – 90sec – 120sec
Plank Hold
Broad Jump
Wall Squat Hold (Back against Wall)

The Workout is 4 rounds, and each of those timeframes refers to a round. So you would perform 30sec of max reps Pushups, 30sec of Plank Hold, 30sec of max reps Broad Jump, 30sec of Wall Squat Hold and 30sec of Rest. You then start back at the beginning, only this time with 60sec for everything.


If you do it the other way, it would just be Total Reps (total Pushup reps + total Broad Jump reps).

WOD Goal

The biggest challenge is to perform the Holds without breaking. Doing it where you have to accumulate the time in the Hold usually makes people hang in a little longer than they normally would.

What will start to make this hard is that as the rounds go on, you are performing more reps of Pushups and Broad Jumps, making it harder to perform the Hold straight away.

Go for big sets in the Pushups and Broad Jumps early on, because both of these movements will fatigue quickly, but trying to be conservative with them at the start doesn’t really work, you will fatigue no matter what!

For the Plank, you can choose to go on elbows or hands.

Beyond RXD
