Tuesday, January 3

40 Toes to Bar
80 Double Unders
40 GHD Situps
80 Double Unders

20 Seated Press
30 Lying Toes to Bar
80 Single Unders
20 Seated Press
30 V-Ups
80 Single Unders
20 Seated Press

Lots of Shoulder/Hip power needed for today’s workout. Especially in the Rxd category. Day 1 of Bullet Proof Shoulder testing calls for a Max Overhead Hold which will prep you nicely for getting inverted today.


Time to complete the Workout.

WOD Goal

The Handstand Pushups should take roughly the same amount of time as the seated presses. While you are fresh, for the first set, people should aim to do them in sets no less than 5, ideally more, with short breaks in between. The last set, you may be down to sets of 2 or 3. That is ok, we would just prefer you didn’t start out that way. You most likely won’t finish under 20min. Scale to Box Pike Pushups or a moderate Seated Barbell/Dumbbell Press if you get too fatigued. Why seated? A different stimulus than usual and these also require more work from the Shoulders/Midline.

Beyond RXD


Bench Press

NOTE: Warm up to a heavy triple and hold that weight across 5 working sets.

For time:
100 Pull-ups (chest to bar)

NOTE: This is a simple test to gauge your current capacity with this movement. Finishing in under 5 minutes is a general baseline to be “good” at these. 10 minute cap.


3 Rounds for quality:
20 Ring row (elevate feet)
30 Hip extension

NOTE: Looking for controlled, quality movement here. Break sets if needed to ensure the reps stay legit.