Wednesday, October 14

[wod date=”2016-9-14″]

Light Weight combined with Bodyweight, such a brutal combination. Nothing should really prevent you from doing everything unbroken on this workout other than your lungs! Which, after only a few rounds will definitely make a lot of people want to stop/slow down/rest.

Shoot for around 6 rounds!

Beyond RXD

Shoulder Press
– Build to a heavy double across the 6 working sets

Pull-up complex
5 strict, 5 kipping, 5 chest to bar, 5 bar muscle ups
– take 4 attempts to get as far into the complex as possible without coming off the bar.

Every minute for 10 minutes:
30 double unders + 5 Push jerks (185/125)

NOTE: Goal is to complete the work within each minute. Choose a weight that will let you do the push jerks unbroken on each round. The bar starts from the ground.