Monday, September 26

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For those athletes who have no trouble with the gymnastics movements, you will most likely be able to get through the first two-three rounds unbroken and then will need to break them up after that. Make the goal for today to just get through each round however you can. If you need to do 1 rep at a time, that is fine, as long as you can sustain that over the 5 rounds and don’t start failing. If you do start failing, just take of 1 or 2 reps and try holding that for the remaining time. If that isn’t enough, scale the movement accordingly on the fly!

Beyond RXD


Back Squat

Shoulder Press

NOTE: Build to a heavy double across the working sets. Try to hit a heavier weight for each movement than previously on 9/12 for the back squat and 9/14 for the press.


For time:
75 GHD Sit ups

NOTE: Goal is to get as close to unbroken as you can. Go for a big set!